TEGL, plant architecture made in Levo
in collaboration with Abandoned Plants Sanctuary
TEGL is a cosy ceramic pot for plants made of mostly local or recycled clays. Britney, a hand- powered
extruding machine from studio Levo, imprints every pot with a different character, flirting with
plants in various ways. TEGL is a collaboration of studio Levo and the Abandoned Plants Sanctuary
as they also deserve a cosy and fabulous home.
TEGL je udoben keramicen lonec za rastline iz pretezno lokalne ali reciklirane gline. Britney, naprava za
ročno ekstrudiranje gline iz delavnice Levo, iztisne vsak TEGL drugace. S tem jim doloci razlicne znacaje,
od katerih vsak po svoje koketira z rastlino. TEGL je plod sodelovanja med delavnico Levo in Zavetišcem za
zavrzene rastline, ker si tudi one zasluzijo udoben in cudovit dom.

LJFW - Ljubljana Fashion Week 2020, exhitibion gallery